Today we went to one of our favorite spots... Sherman Island. This is located off of Spier Falls Road near Corinth. We launched the boats around 9:30 AM. The water was perfect. Not a ripple. We headed east towards the Sherman Island Hydro Plant (towards Glens Falls). There were only a few other boats on the water; a few kayaks and some fishing boats. We worked our way across the water to the opposite side. It was surprising to us that we didn't see anyone camping on the camp sites that are over on that side of the river. The weather forecast was good but maybe the holiday kept people away.
As we approached the large campsite Tim saw a Bald eagle! He pointed it out to me and we watched to see what it was going to do. It sat up in a tree on the shore for a little while before making a pass over the water and landing in another tree. We thought that we might get a chance to see it grab a fish (and maybe take it back to a nest!) No such luck. The eagle flew over us and went to the other side of the river. We couldn't see it once it got close to the trees.
Not a very clear photo; but the eagle is in the tree. |
I feel fortunate to have captured this photo. I do not like the new cameras today with out an eyepiece to look through. With the glare of the sun, I was shooting blind. |
We left the eagle and kept a look out the rest of our paddle, "just in case!" We decided to paddle in and out of the small islands and inlets. We found the foot bridge that has been eluding us on many of our trips. I have a better sense of where it is now. Beavers have it all blocked off for a few years now. We had paddled through there quite a while back.
I guess I can now call this Beaver Pass, since only beavers can maneuvre through. |
We also looked for signs of purple cone flowers. I had sown some seeds last year to see if they would grow. I felt the area could use a little color. No sign of any cone flowers. We did see a variet of iris, though.
Iris | |
As we paddled back out to the main portion of the river, I had to snap a picture of this tree:
July 2011 |
I have a picture of the same tree somewhere. Tim took my picture sitting in my first kayak underneath it. It had needles back then. I can't find it though. It's funny to see how things change over the years.
We didn't realize how low the water was until we got back to the launch. You could see a large piece of cement under the water that we had never noticed before. How could you not notice this??
We were glad to get out of the water when we did. The boat launch was very busy at noon with many boats going in. We like the river to ourselves!
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